
Amy Roiland drama surfaces in wake of Justin Roiland leaked texts scandal

After Rick and Morty creator Justin Roiland was charged with domestic violence by his ex-girlfriend, the voice actor pleaded not guilty to the charges as he denied them completely.

Furthermore, the industry takes domestic violence charges seriously and as a result, US streaming site Hulu has decided to drop Justin Roiland just like the TV channel Adult Swim.

The drama became even more intense after a couple of screenshots were shared on social media in the wake of Roiland’s felony domestic violence charge in Orange County.

In the screenshots, Justin is talking to a 16-year-old, and asking the kid to go to "s*x slavery" before calling her a "stupid f****t b***h" and ending the message with a "just kidding."

While Justin waits for the trial, his sister, Amy Roiland has come back into the spotlight for a controversy that happened last year, but seems to be fresh in people’s minds. The entire drama happened after Amy was embroiled in a major fiasco on TikTok when she allegedly demanded a photoshoot without paying any cost.

Things got heated up when the owner rejected her request and she sent a super angry voice note bashing the owner saying:

“Who runs this account? Are you ninety years old and not know how influencers work? That’s hilarious. You guys are really out of touch, it’s crazy.”

While the drama is almost a year old now, the Justin Roiland controversy has brought back the sister’s news all over again. One netizen took to Twitter and commented:

“It seems the Roiland siblings are problematic. Justin is bad but his sister Amy is entitled.”
Social media users bring back the Amy Roiland drama after the brother was charged with domestic violence case. (Image via Twitter)

“Amy somehow manages to be the best Roiland siblings”: Netizens are talking about Amy Roiland’s “entitlement” after Justin Roiland’s messages get leaked on social media

After social media saw many screenshots where Justin Roiland asked minors to start "cam wh***ng" once she turned 18, and calling them a "jailbait," infuriated netizens brought back the Amy Roiland drama, as many felt that the brother and sister are sailing in the same boat, as both of their careers are up for a toss.

One social media user said:

“Amy somehow manages to be the best Roiland siblings”

Others also talked about how the tendency to threaten runs in the family.

However, many have come forward and shared many alleged chats with Roiland, where he even asked a girl to get a Morty tattoo on her breasts.

Social media users shared screenshots of conversations with Justin as many reported about the explicit chats on social media. (Image via Twitter/@Cvntfibers)

Furthermore, talking about Justin Roiland’s domestic violence case, the voice actor pleaded not guilty and was further released on a bond of $50,000. Reportedly, he is to return to court in April 2023. At the moment, neither the brother nor the sister has spoken up on the matter.

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Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-04-15