Greta Thunberg Lays Into World Leaders As Photo Of Her Glaring At President Donald Trump Goes Viral

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old climate change activist who is taking the world by storm, spoke at the United Nations Climate Summit on Monday. With a tearful and impassioned speech, Greta did not hold back when she scolded leaders who have failed to do their part in saving the world. The summit gathered to find real solutions that will help slow down global warming and fossil fuel emissions. Not only did Greta lay into those attending the summit, but a photo of her expression when President Donald Trump crossed her path is going viral.
There’s no reading into the expression on Greta’s face. She was not happy with President Trump or any of the other leaders present.
Speaking to the crowd, Greta stated the following.
“This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words—and yet, I’m one of the lucky ones.”
You may hear Greta Thunberg’s full speech in the video player below.
As Greta Thunberg let the international leaders know exactly how she felt about them, there was a moment when President Donald Trump crossed her path and the look she gave him spoke volumes.
You may see the tense moment when Greta glared at President Trump in the video player below.
If you thought that Greta’s reaction was just for show think again. At the end of Greta’s speech, she and 15 teens who are protesting with her, joined forces and filed a complaint against five world economies including Turkey, Germany, Brazil, France, and Argentina.
The complaint accuses the five world economies of violating human rights by failing to take action on climate change.
According to reports, Donald Trump wasn’t expected to be at the UN climate summit, but showed up and then left after approximately 15 minutes.
Some reactions to Greta’s speech have been mixed due to her clear emotionalism and fiery delivery. What do you think of the way Greta handled herself with the UN today?