Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill Dating Kissing Photo Confirms Relationship
Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill are now officially dating, having gone public with their rumored romance on Instagram, of all places. Is this what our world has come to now? Celebrity couples seem to think that Instagram and Twitter are the best place to go public with a relationship, despite turning around and complaining about excessive media attention two minutes later. You guys can’t have it both ways!
Nicki Minaj was previously with Safaree Samuels, and after they split up last fall, Nicki was linked to Meek Mill. However, the two denied rumors of a romance, and Nicki even reassured everyone that they were ‘just friends’ in a radio interview at the end of the year. Obviously, she was lying, but what else is new? Celebrities lie about their relationships and love lives all the time, and Nicki Minaj is clearly no different.
The picture that Nicki shared on Instagram shows Meek Mill kissing her cheek, so it’s fairly demure as far as relationship announcements on Instagram go. Plus, Nicki probably assumed that the quicker she went public with this relationship, the more she’d stop looking over her shoulder. The paparazzi have been chomping at the bit to get the first exclusive look at Nicki and Meek Mill together, and this way, she beats them to the punch. Sure, she did it in the most cliched way possible, but isn’t Instagram the new People Magazine article? Instead of their reps ‘leaking’ the news to the magazine, they can do it themselves – and in a much more fan ‘friendly’ way. They get to criticize the media without feeling bad this way, even though it’s much more hypocritical, to be completely honest.
What do you guys think about Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill dating? Do you think this relationship will last, or will go the same way as Nicki’s previous relationships? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Image Credit: Instgram