The Real Meaning Behind Twenty One Pilots' 'Saturday'

When Tyler Joseph delivers the chorus of "Saturday," he tells listeners, "Slow down on Monday / Not a sound on Wednesday, yeah / Might get loud (Ayy) on Friday / But on Saturday, Saturday, Saturday / We paint the town." If that sounds like a fairly manageable week, then listen again, because Joseph is actually describing how he lost his way in a certain sense while on the road.
"When you strip away what day of the week it is, you lose your rhythm. You lose your sense of what is up and what is down," Joseph explained, according to Apple Music. The star went on to note that it was "a lesson" both he and drummer Josh Dun "learned pretty quickly on tour." He pointed out that it's "because a Friday night and a Monday night could feel the exact same, whether or not [they] had a show."
Although Joseph and Dun may have experienced this kind of situation while on tour, the singer also noted that it's something that many of his fans have actually experienced in their own way for a very different reason.