
What is the Ghost meme in Modern Warfare 2?

The hype surrounding Ghost's intense look in Modern Warfare 2 is very real, with fans sharing thousands of relatable posts featuring his iconic face. The popular Call of Duty character is a long-standing part of the franchise and has received considerable love since his introduction.

The Ghost meme is undoubtedly hilarious and is very versatile, allowing fans to utilize it in many different situations and contexts. Apart from its very adjustable background, the iconic character who graces it is extremely popular among the millions of Call of Duty fans worldwide.

Those who aren't aware of the meme may wonder what Ghost's expression in it indicates and what its actual meaning is. This article will explain the meme and mention its possible uses for Call of Duty fans.

Everything you need to know about Ghost meme in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Simon "Ghost" Riley is a complicated yet lovable character who was first introduced in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009). Riley has made many appearances in the COD franchise ever since. He is best known for his signature skull mask and brooding personality, which strongly reflects his immense experience.

In the Modern Warfare 2 (2022) campaign, Ghost and John "Soap" MacTavish exchange intense glances at one point while in a vehicle with Alejandro Vargas and Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra. This led to fans generating a promising meme, which spread like wildfire across the community.

The Modern Warfare 2 scene relevant to the meme starts with Ghost and Soap meeting up with Alejandro and Rudy, followed by a small introduction to Alejandro and Rudy's work involving Mexico's popular drug cartel, Las Almas. However, unlike what many would expect, Rudy's humorous comment regarding his discomfort with "Ghost" wasn't the one that triggered Riley's meme-worthy face.

While driving across Mexico, Soap spots a group of kids carrying guns and balloons. One of them seems to be wearing Riley's iconic "Ghost" mask. After taking a good look at the group, Soap turns around, only to find Ghost staring back at him with a somewhat serious look. The masked character then makes a comment saying, "Kids, guns, and balloons... that's a new one."

The look on Ghost's "face" gave Modern Warfare 2 fans a huge window to equate it with everyday situations, leading to the said scene blowing up as a meme. Fans use the small interaction between Ghost and Soap, along with a relatable text, in their social media posts to create the memes. Most of these posts on TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube have managed to garner massive views and likes, making the Ghost meme a success.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was released back on October 28, 2022, and has proven to be the most successful launch in the franchise. The premium first-person shooter game is available to play across major platforms like PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. After an eventful first season, Modern Warfare 2 will soon welcome a mid-season update, which will bring the first Special Ops Raid and a remastered fan-favorite map.

With Ghost being one of the most popular characters in the MW series, any relatable bit associated with him is bound to break the internet and turn into a favorite moment.

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Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-06